About Club
Are you looking for a way to make a difference in your community or communities around the
world? There’s a project happening that needs you.
Rotary members belive we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world's
most persistent issue. Our 5,000+ members work together to :
clean water
Saving mothers
& children
Growing local
Our Club Mission We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
. At present our club has 64 Rotarians and 8 lady Rotarians out of these 5 members have paid the fees but are not attending and might leave the club for various reasons. Net Rotarians as on 1st July 2014 would be 59 Rotarians and 8 Lady Rotarians. 2. We plan to add 10 new Rotarians and 5 new Lady Rotarians in 2014-15. 3. We will involve past members and encourage them to again become member of our club. 4. Rotary information and activities carried out by the club, effects and benefits of our significant projects would be imparted to new prospective members. 5. Classification wise list of present members would be prepared and efforts for adding new classifications like Social workers, Sportsman, Actors, Singers would be made. 6. In Order to A - Add New Members. B - Involve and retain existing members. C - Increase image of Rotary. D - Get new speakers for the meetings. E - Get new project ideas which society except from Rotary. F - Involve people from society in Rotary activities. We have floated - A new concept in which Rotarian and each Ann will be given a form for – “MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND ROTARY AWARNESS DRIVE PLAN” and follow up will be made to them to contact 5 persons each who will be 1. Relative 2. Person from your profession 3. A person staying in your society 4. Your personal friend other than 1, 2, 3 5. Any other person say Grocery shop keeper, watchman, Laundry shop keeper, House maid etc.
Swipe through to see a few of our favourite moments from the 2020 Community program
Oct 07 2024
Oct 20 2024
Oct 20 2024
Oct 08 2024